First Grade
The students were introduced to the KidWorks Deluxe
Program. This program is used in second grade computer class. It is
a great program for building creative writing and reading skills. The students
will be writing a journal of their Second Grade Memories. Each month will
consist of three good sentences about what took place at school during that
particular month. They will be creating their own sentences. The program has
kid-friendly design tools, which students will be able to illustrate their
stories with free-hand drawings and more. Students can hear their stories read
aloud by the computer. The journal will be printed when completed. The students
will be typing all year. Please encourage them to practice their keyboarding
skills over the summer. http://www.kidztype.com/
Second Grade
The students have been working for several months on
their Second Grade Memories Journal in the Kid Works Program. They have just
finished rereading them and they
will be printed and sent home. The journal consists
of three typed sentences and a drawing to go along with the sentences. The
sentences are created by the students. They have to type about three events
that occurred each month at school and a drawing to go along with the sentences
using both drawing and sticker book tools.
The students are concluding the school year with the
Stickybear Typing program and a short introduction to Microsoft Word. The
Stickybear Typing program allows users to sharpen typing skills and achieve
keyboard mastery. They are encouraged to practice their typing over the summer.
There are many free online typing programs available and I have a few on my
blog. Third Grade
The students will be working in the Google Suite in fourth grade and they need to be practicing their typing over the summer. They have established a password and have learned to log into the Google Suite. They can practice logging into Google and go into Goggle Docs or Slides to further their knowledge of the apps. They will be working with both Goggle and Microsoft Word in fourth grade. They will also be introduced to a new typing program called UltraKey.
Fifth Grade
The students have finished researching their state and
they have completed their state brochure. They will use the last two weeks of
school challenging themselves in the UltraKey typing program. This ends their
computer class lessons. As sixth graders, they will continue working in the
Goggle Suite on their Chromebooks. It is very important for them to keep up
their typing skills over the summer. There are many free typing programs online
and I have a few on my blog.
The students have just completed many of the Stickybear
and UltraKey typing lessons in Computer class. They are encouraged to spend
some time at home practicing their typing skills over the summer. I have placed
a link on my blog to the typing club which is a free on-line program and there
are many others to choose from.
Common Sense Media
A great website - commonsensemedia.org
“Their mission is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology.” Please take a minute to look at their site.
Why Do We Need A Technology Lab?A great website - commonsensemedia.org
“Their mission is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology.” Please take a minute to look at their site.
1. A technology teacher provides a structured curriculum with complete and specific instructions in computer skills that are taught in a lab environment. This enables the students to become more confident in their technology skills and it improves technology use in the classroom. It validates the importance of the subject being taught.
2. In a lab, students have the opportunity for hands on experience to learn about new applications and review past lessons. This is a great advantage to students so they can become more confident in their technology skills.
3. Technology labs free classroom teachers so they can focus on their goals and not loose valuable instruction time teaching computer skills.
4. Structure, consistency, and repetition build skills each year whether it is a new application, documents, presentations, or understanding and increasing their time and accuracy in mastering keyboarding.
5. The importance of the technology lab offers student support, skills, and the knowledge they need to use these skills beyond the classroom.